Computer Repair:
Warning Signs Your Computer Needs Fixing
Everything breaks down eventually. When it comes to computers, the reasons can vary from accidental, as in you’ve downloaded infected software that has turned your computer against you, to intentional, as in you punched your computer screen in a rage over an Instagram photo of your ex with a hot date. Such things undoubtedly lead you to walk into a repair shop to get your computer fixed. But your computer may be giving you other warning signs that mean it either needs your tender, loving care or some serious fixing. Here are just a few of those insidious signs.
Your computer is making strange noises. So you’re working on a critical presentation for the boss. You’re just about to wrap it up when suddenly you hear a strange sound and it isn’t coming from your stomach because you know you’ve just had a sandwich. You lean in and realise the strange noise is coming from your laptop. It sounds as if the fan is on steroids or the motherboard is sending you a message —in Morse code. As is the rule in every relationship, listen to your “beloved” when it is telling you attention is required. Save that important document on an external drive. Keep calm. And go to your computer repair shop.
Your computer is hot. Not in the metaphoric sense that it rocks in the design department. It is “hot” as in your hardware might need to be replaced. Most of the time you might only need to let your computer cool off by putting it near a fan, but when your computer feels unusually hot, it is better to get it checked before the heat inconveniences you during work.
Your computer is taking its sweet time loading programs and applications. Patience is a virtue, you say? To a certain extent, yes, but not when you’ve been staring at your computer for half an hour, waiting for a program to start. Some computers even take a long while to start up. Computer speed and responsiveness are critical to your efficiency at work, and consequently, to your sanity when you’re on a deadline. So when programs are slow to open or when running multiple applications leads to crashes or lockups, it is time to get a repair.
Your computer is old. Sure, it’s hip to have all things vintage, but not when you rely on your computer to get your work done. When you haven’t got the money just yet to upgrade to a new computer, you can consider replacing hardware that needs fixing to give your work machine a longer lease on life. Of course, if the cost of replacing a part is too prohibitive then you may have to consider buying a new computer instead.